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The South Algonquin Business Alliance supports the Canadian Index of Wellbeing measures of community vitality, which includes Civic Engagement. Municipal government is the most accessible level of government and impacts community vitality to the highest degree. This page chronicles our advocacy with the Township of South Algonquin
Click on the links below to read our correspondence with staff and council at the Township of South Algonquin. These documents may or may not appear in the associated council package under correspondence. Items are listed most recent first.
SABA's Feedback on the Tourism and Economic Development Plan, provided to the mayor and staff. We anticipate it being available in the council package on February 27, and discussed at the March meeting.
SABA's application to the Municipal Grant fund (bylaw 2024-813) for $500 to contribute to our social media and google grant Ads strategy. This application was submitted to the clerk for processing. It will be discussed in March around the time of budget discussions.
Email to the mayor and clerk following Dec 18 committee meeting requesting
a copy of the Engineer's report to the MTO about the Madawaska Bridge relocation project
There is no Engineer's report, only the staff report.
Letter to the Mayor and clerk following Dec 4, 2024 council meeting regarding
response to mayor, declining to audit the township website
community engagement practices
querying scope of community engagement in developing the communication policy
request to reconsider practice of passing bylaws in one council meeting, which does not provide adequate opportunity for public participation/feedback
Council's response to our letter can be viewed on the Township's Youtube Channel, January 15, 2025 Regular Council meeting (starting at minute 53:10)
Letter to the Mayor and clerk regarding community engagement
related to the development of the Economic Development and Tourism plan
Plans to share this document with the public for feedback have not been announced​
related to passing bylaws in one meeting
in general and practices around receiving and posting communication
best global best practices as defined by the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) and the ‘Spectrum of Participation’
Council's response to our letter can be viewed on the Township's Youtube Channel, January 15, 2025 Regular Council meeting (starting at minute 49:58)
Letter to the Mayor following Nov 4, 2024 council meeting regarding
livestreaming council meetings
advising that numerous links on the township website are broken.
​Mayor's Response ​requesting that SABA audit the township's website